

【凡例】T:教師の発言 S:生徒全体の発言 SA-SX:生徒個人の発言


3. Review of the Preceding Materials for Introducing the New Materials      

T: Then, last time you saw these two balls, A and C, right?  And one of them is a basketball.  Which one is a basketball?

S: A.

T: Why can you say A is a basketball?

S: ... A is bigger ... than C.

T: Say again?

S: A is bigger than C.

T: That's right.  So, ... this is a basketball.  Then, what can you say with these questions?

S: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: Hum.  A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

S: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: OK. (writing 'big' below 'large' and 'small')  Say again, "big."

S: Big.

T: Bigger.

S: Bigger.

T: A basketball is bigger.

S: A basketball is bigger.

T: ... than a volleyball.

S: ... than a volleyball.

T: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

S: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: Aさん。

SA: Basketball ...

T: "A"!

SA: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: Good!  Bくん。

SB: A basketball is bigger than ....

T: Say again!

SB: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: OK.  Good.  Let's see ...  Cさん。

SC: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: OK.  Everyone!

S: A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.

T: Or, ..., you can say, ... starting with a volleyball.  What do you say?

S: A volleyball is smaller than a basketball.

T: A volleyball is smaller than a basketball.

S: A volleyball is smaller than a basketball.

T: OK.  Good!  Right.  Hum, hum.  Then, you have ... one, two, three, four, five balls, right?  And you can say something ... because this is  number 1, right?  What do you say?

S: ... A basketball is the biggest of the five.

T: Hum, hum.  That's right.  OK, please say, "A basketball is the  biggest."

S: A basketball is the biggest.

T: ... of the five.

S: ... of the five.

T: A basketball is the biggest of the five.

S: A basketball is the biggest of the five.

T: OK.  Dくん。

SD: A basketball is biggest of the five.

T: "the" biggest.

SD: ... the biggest of the five.

T: Good.  And, ah, ... Eさん。

SE: A basketball is the biggest of the five.

T: OK. Fくん。

SF: A basketball is the biggest of the five.

T: Good.  Everyone!              

S: A basketball is the biggest of the five.


4. Oral Introduction and Practice of the New Expressions 1: more ...

(1) Input of the New Expressions through Interaction

T: OK.  Very good!  Thank you.  Now, then, ....  I want to talk about this ball.  This is a secret ball.  'B' ball.  What is ..., what ball is this?  What do you think?

S: Soccer ball!

T: Why do you know it's a soccer ball?

S: (laughing)

SG: We saw it!

S: (laughing)

T: because, ..., yeah, I wanted to keep it secret last time, but accidentally I do[did] this.

S: (laughing)

T: So you saw it.  This is a soccer ball.  All right, then, talking of soccer, ah, do you like soccer?

S: Yes./No.

T: Well, I like soccer very much.  Mr. H, do you like soccer?

SH: Yes, I do.

T: Of course you do.  You're a member of the soccer club, right?

SH: Yes.

T: Mr. ~, is soccer popular in Japan?

SH: Yes, ... I think ... soccer is popular.

T: Oh, you think soccer is popular.  I think so, too.  Yeah.  (to all)   What do you think?  Is soccer popular in Japan?

S: ... Yes.

T: Oh, "Yes."?  Soccer is popular in Japan.  I see.  Hum, hum.  OK.  Everybody, please say "Soccer is popular in Japan."

S: Soccer is popular in Japan.

T: Soccer.

S: Soccer.

T: Soccer is popular.

S: Soccer is popular.

T: Soccer is popular in Japan.

S: Soccer is popular in Japan.

T: 「サッカー」の人がいる。Soccer.

S: Soccer.

T: Soccer is popular.

S: Soccer is popular.

T: ... in Japan.

S: ... in Japan.

T: OK.  Soccer is popular in Japan.  And also, ... What ball is this?  (showing a silhouette of a ball with "E" upside down)

S: 三(= 3)、三。

T: 逆でも同じ。

S: (laughing)

T: And ...?

S: Baseball.

T: Baseball!  That's right, baseball.  Is baseball popular in Japan?

S: Yes!

T: Yes?  Oh, so, baseball is popular in Japan, and soccer is popular in Japan.  Both are popular.  Then, which is more popular?  Which is more popular, baseball or soccer ...

SI: わかんない。

T: in Japan?

S: (chattering)

T: More popular.  OK, in this case, please say "more popular."  Don't say "popularer."  More popular.  


(2) Check of Understanding

T: Which is more popular in Japan?  OK, please raise your hand.  Baseball is more popular than soccer.

S: (raising hands)

T: Do you think so?  OK, thank you very much.  Then, soccer is more popular than baseball.

S: (raising hands, laughing)

SJ: お前、野球部のくせに!

S: (laughing)

T: Is that OK?  Thank you very much.  Half and half.  I can't tell which is more popular.  Then, (to the audience surrounding the students) I want to ask everybody in here!

S: Oh! (big hands)

T: Yes!  Which is more popular in Japan, soccer or baseball?  Please raise your hand.  Baseball is more popular!

Audience: (raising hands)

S: Oh!

T: Soccer is more popular!

Audience: (raising hands)

S: Oh!

SK: サッカーの方が少ない。

T: Thank you very much.  

S: (chattering)

T: Hum, ...?  Baseball?  OK.  Then, let's say "Baseball is more popular than soccer."  Right.  Then, my question is "Which is more popular in Japan, baseball or soccer?"  The answer is?

S: Baseball is .... 

T: OK, OK.  Say again, everyone!

S: Baseball is more popular than soccer.


(3) Mim-mem

T: Yes, in this case, please say "Baseball is more popular."  Baseball is more popular than soccer.  (Showing the word card of 'more ~')  Please say "more popular."

S: more popular.

T: more popular.

S: more popular.

T: Baseball is more popular.

S: Baseball is more popular.

T: ... than soccer.

S: ... than soccer.

T: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

S: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: Say it three times.  Go!

S: (Saying the sentence three times) 

T: OK.  Lくん。

SL: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: OK.  And Mさん。

SM: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: OK.  Nくん。

SN: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: OK.  Everyone!

S: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: Very good.  Baseball is more popular than soccer.  (writing "popular" on the board) 


(4) Oral Practice

T: Then, let's change the topic.  Let's talk about subjects.  Let's take ... math and English.

S: (laughing)

T: Which is more ... (writing "difficult" on the board) difficult?

S: ああ…!(laughing)

T: Which is more difficult, math or science?

S: Science?

T: Ah!  Math or English!  Excuse me.  Math or English?  Which is more difficult?

S: (chattering)

T: Please tell me your idea.  Which is more difficult?  Ah, Ms. O, what do you think?

SO: I think ...

T: You think?

SO: I think math is more difficult than English.

T: Speak up, please.

SO: I think math is more difficult than English.

T: What does she say?  What DID she say?

S: She said, ....

T: She said?

S: Math is more difficult than English.

T: Yes.  じゃあ、彼女のつもりで言ってみましょう。Math is more difficult than English.

S: Math is more difficult than English.

T: Math is more difficult than English.

S: Math is more difficult than English.

T: What do you think?  Mr. P, what do you think?

SP: I think English is more difficult.

T: Speak up!

S: (laughing)

SQ: いつもみたいに言えばいいのに。

T: いつものようにSpeak up.

SP: I think English is more difficult than math.

T: Oh, I see.  And, ... ah, ..., Rさん。

SR: I think math is more difficult than English.

T: Oh, really?  And Mr. S.

SS: I think English is difficult math.

T: Huh?

S: (laughing) More~!

SS: I think English is more difficult than English.

T: OK, I see.  Thank you.

S: English, English? (laughing)

T: English, English?  OK.  Let's listen once again.

SS: I think English is more difficult than math.

S: Oh, .... (laughing)

T: OK.  Thank you.  


5. Oral Introduction and Practice of the New Expressions 2: the most ...

(1) Input of the New Expressions through Interaction 

T: Now, let's continue talking about subjects. I would say, ah, ... then, what subject is your number 1?  What is your favorite subject?    (Writing "interesting" on the board)

S: (laughing)

T: In this case, I would say "What subject is the most interesting?"

  What subject is the most interesting... to you?

S: (chattering)

T: My answer is ....  Oh, do you remember my favorite subject?


T: Yes, I would say "Science is the most interesting."  Then, what do you think?  Ah, ... Ms. T.

ST: I think science is most interesting.

T: "the" most?

ST: I think science is the most interesting.


(2) Check of Understanding

T: Hum, hum.  What did she say?

S: She said "Science is the most interesting."









(3) Mim-mem                      

T: OK.  You're Ms. ~.  Say again?

S: Science is the most interesting.

T: Science is the most interesting.

S: Science is the most interesting.


(4) Oral Practice

T: Hum, hum.  What do you think, Mr. ....  Let's see, Mr. ... U.

S: (laughing)

T: No, no!  He's wearing a mask, so I couldn't tell who he is.

S: ああ~。

SV: ひどい…。

SU: I think P.E. ... is the most interesting.

T: Oh, you think P.E. is the most interesting.  I see.  Ms. W,  what do  you think?

SW: え~! I think English is the most interesting.

T: Really?

S: (laughing)

T: English is the most interesting.  Ah-huh! (apple polishing)

S: (laughing)

T: Let's see, ....  Mr. X, what do you think?

SX: I think ....

SG: (何か言う)

S: おおっ?

SX: I think social studies is the most interesting.

S: あ~。(laughing)

T: Oh, social studies is the most interesting.  


8. Consolidation of the New Expressions

T: I see.  All right.  Thank you.  Then, let's go back to the ... ah ... well, ....  さあ、じゃあ、ちょっとね。ここまでのことでまとめたいと思います。ちょっと日本語で聞きますね。まあ、前回(左側の3つの単語を指して)こういうのを使って勉強しましたよね。で、「~より」っていうのをやったと思います。「~より」っていうとき、large はどうなるんでしたっけ?

S: larger.

T: それから、「一番~だ」っていうときは?

S: largest.

T: そうですね。ですから…、「largerのerのところはどういうつづ りだと思う?」っていうのは聞いたよね? 何だっけ?

S: e, r.

T: e, r, ですね。(板書する)はい。そして、一番大きい方が largest で、estだから?

S: e, s, t.

T: e, s, tだろうと。はい。確かにそうですね。さあ、じゃあ、今回は何て言ったか覚えていますか? e, rにあたるようなときに何て言っただろう?

S: more.

T: moreでしたね。(板書する)はい。more~。 はい。じゃあ、「一番~」っていうときは?

S: most.

T: ふむ。(書こうとして)mostの前に何か付いてたぞ。

S: the.

T: そうですね。(the mostと書きながら)theが付いていました。さあ、(両側を指して)2つ、ちがうんだけど、ぱっと見、どう分けたらいいだろうね?外見の特徴は?

S: 長い。

T: 長い。なんか、こっち、長いね。(右側の単語の両側に線を引きながら)長い、長い。じゃあ、長いっていうので、とりあえず今は「長い」で覚えておいてください。どのくらい長いはまた改めてやります。ね。「長い」で覚えておいてください。他には、今ちょっと言おうと思っていて時間がないからやめたんですけど…。こんなのもありますね。(excitingと書く)ね、exciting。



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