




では、具体的な指導過程をご紹介します。T: は教員の発言、S: は実際のまたは想定される生徒の発言、S1:, S2: は生徒個人の実際のまたは想定される発言を表します。なお、発言中の太字は強調して発音する部分です。また、「スピーチ・バブル」とは台詞の吹き出しマークを描いた絵カードのことです。 


◇Oral Introduction of the New Expressions

(1) Introduction of the Twelve Months

① Introduction of the learning situation

T: Today, let's learn how to say dates.

S: ....

T: The other day, you learned how to say the seven days, like "It is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday..."  Do you remember?

S: Yes.

T: Then, today you learn(教師のカレンダーの月名を指して)this and(日付を指して)this.  All right?


T:(月名を指して)This is a month.(日付指して)This is a day.  OK?

S: Yes.

T: Then let's practice the words.  Please repeat, "month."

S: Month → Mim-mem

T: "Day"

S: Day → Mim-mem


② Introduction of the names of the months

T: I have a question about months. (カレンダーをめくりながら)How many months do you have in a year?

S: Twelve.

T: Right.  You have twelve months in a year.  In Japanese you say, "Ichigatsu, Nigatsu, Sangatsu, ... so on," right?

S: Yes.

T: But in English, they don't say, "one, two, three, ...."  They call the months by their names.  Each month has a name.  Do you know the names?

S1: January!

S2: April!

T: Good.  Some of you already know some of the names.  Today you learn the names of the twelve months.  OK?

S: OK.

T: The first month is "January."  Repeat, "January."

S: January. → Mim-mem

※以下、12月まで順に導入していきます。発音の難しい語(January, February, April, Novemberなど)は特に注意して指導します。

③ Practice of the months

T:(黒板またはプロジェクターで1~12の数字を示して)Now, I point the number of a month.  You say its name in English.  OK?

S: OK.


S: May!




(2) Introduction of Ordinal Numbers

① Introduction of the ordinal numbers of 1-31

T:(カレンダーの日付を指して)Look at the days here.  In Japanese you say, "tsuitachi, futsuka, mikka,...," right?

S: Yes.

T: But in English they don't say, "one, two, three, ...."  They say, "first, second, third,..."  I think you already know these words because you say "ファースト、セカンド、サード" for baseball.


T: Let's practice.  Please repeat, "first".

S: First. → Mim-mem  ※以下、third まで行います。

T: Then, let's check and practice some other numbers.(4を指して)Do you know this?

S: フォース!

T: Right. Please repeat, "forth".

S: Forth. → Mim-mem 

※以下、thirty-first まで行います。-th の発音や -teen の強勢などに注意して指導します。さらに余裕があれば、hundredth くらいまで指導してもいいでしょう。

② Practice of the months




(3) Introduction of the Expression of the Date

① Introduction of the expression of stating the date 

T: Now you know the names of the months and the days.  Then, what is the date today?

S: ....

T: "Date" means(カレンダーのその日を指して)the month and the day.  What is the date today?

S: ...June...first.

T: Good.  Please say, "It is June first."

S: It is June first. → Mim-mem

T:(別の日をさして)How about this?  What is the date?

S: It is... September... fourteenth.

T: Good.

※以下、いろいろな日付をさして言えるかをチェックします。What is the date of the Sports Day? などとその学校の行事の日を尋ねて答えを言わせたりするも面白いでしょう。

※My birthday is ~. を言わせれば、個別化の練習にもなります。

② Introduction of the expression of asking the date

T: Then once again, what is the date today?

S: It is June first.

T:(「?」のスピーチバブルをかざして)What is my question?

S: What... is... the date... today?

T: Good.  Please repeat, "What is the date today?"

S: What is the date today? → Mim-mem

※today 以外の日付を尋ねる疑問文を考えさせて言わせるのもいいでしょう。例えば、上の運動会の日を尋ねる疑問文では、生徒から "What is the Sports Day?" や "What day is the Sports Day?" など英文としては合っていても目的とは異なる疑問文が出てくるので、それらのどこがちがうのかを考えさせながら正しい文を指導するといいでしょう。


◇Oral Practice of the New Expressions












