今回は、接続詞 when を使った複文の導入です。単文や重文(等意節が2つ並んだ文)に比べると意味がやや複雑なので、いかに状況(場面)設定をしっかりして、わかりやすい文を使うかが鍵になります。
そのような中で、筆者だけでなく勤務校の同僚の多くが長年使っている導入教材があります。それは平成8年度版教科書 NEW HORIZON(東京書籍)の2年生の Unit 4: Starting Out のページ(左のもの)です。このページの本文及び挿絵の写真はとてもよくできていて、誰でもこのページを上手に使えば比較的簡単に接続詞 when の文(おそらく複文としては最低語数)を導入することができます。
では、具体的な指導過程をご紹介します。T: は教員の発言、S: は実際のまたは想定される生徒の発言、S1:, S2: は生徒個人の実際のまたは想定される発言を表します。なお、発言中の太字は強調して発音する部分です。
◇Introduction of the New Expressions
(1) Input of the New Expressions through interaction ①
T: Look at this picture here.
S: かわいい~!
T: This is a picture of a baby. Is the baby "he" or "she"?
S1: "he"!
S2: "she"!
T: Actually, this baby is "she." Her name is Junko. How old is she? What do you think?
S1: Zero!
S2: One!
S3: Two!
T: Junko is one year old.
T: Look at the next picture. What is Junko doing?
S1: Eating her finger!
T: No, she is not eating her finger. Look at her face.
S2: She is smiling.
T: That's right. Then, why is she smiling?
S: ...? (Because she is happy.) ← Because ~. が既習の場合は出させる。
T: Because she is happy. A baby often smiles a lot. Junko smiles a lot, too. Then, when does she smile?(×2) She smiles when she is happy. (×2)
T: Look at the next picture. What is Junko doing?
S1: Eating a toy!
T: Well, you can say that, but look at her face. What is she doing?
S2: She is crying.
T: That's right. Then, why is she crying?
S3: (Because) She is sad.
T: Yes, maybe she is sad. What else?
S4: She is hungry!
T: I think so, too! But she is not eating the toy. A baby often cries a lot. Junko cries a lot, too. Then, when does she cry? She cries when she is hungry.(×2)
(2) Check of Understanding and Mim-mem ①
T: Look at this picture again. Junko smiles a lot. Then, when does she smile?
S: ....
T: She smiles ...?
S: when ... she ... is ... happy.
T: Say it again?
S: She smiles when she is happy. → Mim-mem
※いきなり全文が出てくることを期待せず、答えを誘導するように肝心な部分(when ~ の部分)を引き出すようにします。「何と言っていたでしょう?」とか「どういう意味のことを言っていたでしょう?」などと日本語で尋ねるより、目標の表現が出てくるかどうかでインプットが成功したかどうかを判断します。
T: Look at this picture again. Junko cries a lot. Then, when does she cry?
S: She ... cries ... when she is ... hungry. → Mim-mem
(3) Input of the New Expressions through interaction ②
T: Look at this picture.
S: かわいい~!
T: This is a picture of a dog. Is the dog "he" or "she"?
S1: "he"!
S2: "she"!
T: Actually, this dog is "he." His name is Koro. He is Junko's friend. How old is he?
S1: One!
S2: Two!
T: Koro is two months old. So he is zero year old.
T: Look at this picture. How does he look? Is he happy or sad?
S: Happy.
T: Yes, he is happy. Junko smiles when she is happy, right? Then, what does he do when he is happy?
S: ...?
T: What is he doing now?
S: Running.
T: Yes. Then, what can you say? What does he do when he is happy?
S: He ... runs ... when he is happy.
T: That's right. What else is he doing? Look at his tail.
S1: Shaking.
T: In this case, you can say, "He is wagging his tail." Repeat, "wag his tail".
S: "wag his tail"
T: Then, what does he do when he is happy?
S: He ... wags his tail ... when he is happy. → Mim-mem
※ここの肝は、What does he do when ... ? という疑問文がどういうことを尋ねているかを理解させることです。そこで、Junko の例文をもう一度使って、同様の疑問文から Junko の例文が引き出せることをわからせ、Koro の文へと持っていくようにします。また、いきなり wag his tail という表現に持っていくのは難しいので、running など生徒の知っている表現から入っていくようにします。
T: Look at this picture. What is he doing?
S: Crying.
T: You can't say, "He is crying." In this case, you say, "He is barking." Repeat, "bark".
S: "bark"
T: Why is he barking?
S1: Hungry?
T: Yes. He is hungry. Then, what does he do when he is hungry?
S: He ... barks ... when he is hungry. → Mim-mem
※筆者はたいていここで日本語による理解の確認(Check of Understanding in Japanese)を行っています。この時点でこれまで言ってきた英文の意味とそれを可能にした表現が何であったかを生徒から引き出すようにしています。筆者の場合はこの時点ではまだ英文を見せるということはしませんが、ここで実際に言った英文を見せながら意味と文型の確認をしてもよいでしょう。
※また、教科書の次のページには口頭練習(oral practice)ができる Your turn 1(When I came home, my sister was watching TV.)や Your Turn 2(I don't have breakfast when I get up late.)の活動があるのですが、これらは実際に本文を読み、文法のまとめ(Consolidation)を行ってから練習させるようにしています。特に、Your Turn 1 は上記の導入及び本文には出てこなかったパターン(When ~, の条件節が前にある文)なので、その形を先に導入してからの練習となります。
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