




では、具体的な指導過程をご紹介します。T: は教員の発言、S: は時実際のまたは想定される生徒の発言、S1:, S2: は生徒個人の実際のまたは想定される発言を表します。なお、発言中の太字は強調して発音する部分です。


◇Introduction of the New Expressions

(1) Review for introducing the new expressions


T: Look at this silhouette.  This is a ball.  What ball is this?  Do you remember?

S: Soccer.



T: Yes, it's a soccer ball.  Talking of sports, which is more popular in Japan, soccer or baseball?

S: Baseball.

T: Full sentence!

S: Baseball is more popular than soccer.

T: Good.  But if you talk about sports in the world, soccer is the No. 1 popular sport, right?

S: Yes.

T: In this case, what would you say?

S: Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. 


(2) Input of the new expressions ①


T: Look at this map.  It shows the most popular sport in each country.  Which color is soccer?

S: Green.

T: Right.  Soccer is very popular in these green-color areas.  What areas are they?

S1: South America.

S2: Europe.

S3: Africa.

S4: South-east Asia.

T: Yes.  So people play soccer in many countries.  In this case, you can also say "Soccer is played in many countries.(×2)


T: Look at this picture.  What is this?

S: Car.

T: Yes, it's a car.  Is this a Japanese car?

S: ...

S1: Yes.

T: How can you say that?


T: Good point.  The mark on the front means "Honda."  So it's a Japanese car.  When you talk about Japanese products, you usually say, "Made in Japan," right?

S: Yes.

T: In this case, you can say "This car is made in Japan."(×2)    


T: Look at this picture.  This is a sign in a foreign country.  What country is it?


T: I'll give you a hint.  (From the top) This is English, this is Chinese, this is Malay, and this is Tamil. 

S2: Singapore?


T: That's right!  These four languages are the official languages in Singapore.  They use four languages in Singapore. In this case you can also say "These languages are used in Singapore."(×2)


T: As you already know, these four languages are used in Singapore.  How about speaking them?  Do people speak English in Singapore?

S: Yes.

T: Right.  They speak English in Singapore.  In this case you can also say "English is spoken in Singapore."(×2)

※この部分の導入は、受動態の本来の使い方からするとあまり良いものではありません。それは大切な情報が文の後ろに来る「エンド・フォーカス」の切れ味があまり良くないからです。導入した2つの文では、used in Singapore と spoken in Singapore の部分がその文の新情報ではなく、むしろそれぞれの主語の These languages と English の方にフォーカスが当たってしまっています。実は授業後にそれに気づいたのですが、あえてそのまま紹介しています。


(3) Check of Understanding and Mim-mem ①


T: Look at this car.  Is this a Japanese car, too?  Is this car made in Japan?  Does anyone know?

S3: Benz.

T: You mean Mercedes-Benz, right?

S3: Yes.

T: Where is it from?

S3: Germany.

T: Yes, it's from Germany.  Then in this case you can say "This car is ...?"

S: This car is made in Germany. →Mim-mem


(4) Input of the new expressions ②


T: Look at this picture again.  English is used in Singapore and English is spoken in Singapore. Right?

S: Yes.

T: Do many people speak English in Singapore?


T: Yes, they do.  Mnay people speak English because English is the No.1 language in Singapre.  In this case you can also say "English is spoken by many people in Singapore."(×2)


(5) Check of Understanding and Mim-mem ②

T: Do you understand?  Many people speak English in Singapore.  In this case you can also say "English is ...?"

S: English is spoken...by many people...in Singapore. →Mim-mem

※とりあえず直前に複数回聞かせた表現が出てくるかどうかを確認してみます。その上で、先に練習した文とどこがちがっていたかをたずねれば、「by many people が追加された」という答えが生徒から出てくるでしょう。その上で、英文を見せてじっくり確認するといいでしょう。



◇Oral Practice of the New Expressions

(3) Check of understanding の後に、左の用な絵とキーワードをパワポで示して口頭練習を行います。絵は教科書の練習用からですが、キーワードは必要な語句のみにしぼったものを筆者が用意しました。

(5) Check of understanding の後に、左の用な絵とキーワードをパワポで示して口頭練習を行います。絵は教科書の練習用からですが、キーワードは必要な語句のみにしぼったものを筆者が用意しました。





能動態と受動態は交換してはいけない - norysnoworries ページ! (jimdofree.com)