




では、具体的な指導過程をご紹介します。T: は教員の発言、S: は実際のまたは想定される生徒の発言、S1:, S2: は生徒個人の実際のまたは想定される発言を表します。なお、発言中の太字は強調して発音する部分です。また、「スピーチ・バブル」とは台詞の吹き出しマークを描いた絵カードのことです。


◇Oral Introduction of the New Expressions

(1) Introduction of Roll-call Expressions ①:"Yes" or "Absent"

① Input of the expressions

T: Now, everyone, I want to check if you are here or not.

S: ...?

T: I call each one of your names, so please answer "Yes".

S: ....

T: For example, A.

A: ....

T: I say, "A"!  You say, "Yes"!  OK?

A: OK.

T: B.

B: ....

T: I call your name, "B", then say, "Yes".  OK?

B: OK.

T: And, C, D, E, and so on.  Then I call everyone's name.  Please answer, "Yes!"  OK?

S: OK.

② Trial practice

T: Then, here we go, everyone.  A!

A: Yes!

T: Good!  B!

B: Yes!

T: C!

S: ....

S1: 休みです。

T: Oh, C is not here.  He is absent.  In this case, everyone, please say, "Absent" for me.  OK?


T: Then, please repeat, "absent".

S: Absent.

T: Then, let's continue, go on.  C!

S: Absent!

T: Good!(以下、全員の名前を呼んで、一人一人に "Yes" と言わせる)


※生徒の名前を呼ぶときに、Mr./Ms. を付けて苗字で呼ぶか何も付けずに苗字または名前で呼ぶかはそれぞれの先生の判断に任せます。ただ、Mr./Ms. と性別をはっきりさせる言い方には議論がありますので、その点は考慮する必要があるでしょう。


(2) Introduction of Roll-call Expressions ②:"Here" and "Present"

① Input of the expressions

T: Everyone, you usually say, "Yes" when I call your names, right?


T: But today you also learn some other expressions for it.  For example, you can say, "Here" or "Present".  OK?

S: OK.

T: Then, let's practice these expressions.  Please repeat, "Here".

S: Here.

T: "Present"

S: Present.

② Trial Practice

T: Then, please say, "Yes", "Here" or "Present" when I call your name.  OK?

S: OK.

T: A!

A: Here!

T: B!

B: Yes!

T: C!

C: Present!(以下、全員の名前を呼んで、一人一人に "Yes" と言わせる)



(3) Introduction of Roll-call Expressions ③:"~ is absent"

① Input and practice of the expression 1: D is absent.

T: At the begging of the class, each one of you answers "Yes", "Here" or "Present".  But today you learn another expression.

S: ....

T: I don't call your names today, but I ask you a question.  It is "Who is absent today?"  You already know "Who is ~?"  Right?

S: Yes.

T: And you also know "absent"  Right?

S: Yes.

T: Then you understand "Who is absent today?"?

S: Yes.

T: Then, please answer....  Let's see,...  Today, D is absent.  Please say, "D is absent." OK?

S: OK.

T: Then, let's try.  Answer my question.  Who is absent today?

S: ... D is absent.

T: Good.  Please repeat, "D is absent."

S: D is absent. → Mim-mem

② Input and practice of the expression 2: No one is absent.

T: OK.  Today D is absent, but usually everyone is here.  In that case, you say, "No one is absent."  "No one" means "Zero one".  So zero one is absent.  It is a little bit strange expression, but you say, "No one is absent."  Let's practice this expression.  Please repeat, "No one is absent."

S: No one is absent.

※最初は個別の生徒に発言させることを重視して一人一人に答えさせていましたが、学習内容が多くなってくるとその時間がもったいないので、全員で一斉に答えられる表現に移行します。始動時機は "Who is ~?" の表現を習った直後がいいでしょう。

※附属中学校では、"D is absent." の後に "Who else is absent?" と尋ねて ""No one else is absent." と答えるところまで指導しています。


(4) Introduction and Practice of Roll-call Expressions ④:"Who is absent today?"

T: You just answered "D is absent." or "No one is absent."  Then, what is my question?

S: ... Who is... absent... today?

T: Good.  You already know the "Who is ~?" question, so please put "absent today" and  say, "Who is absent today?".  OK?

S: OK. 

T: Then, let's practice this question.  Please repeat, "Who is absent today?"

S: Who is absent today? → Mim-mem


※③で "No one else is absent." まで指導した場合は、"Who else is absent?" の疑問文も練習させるといいでしょう。