○There is/are/was/were ~.の文

今回の文は「(場所)に~がある/いる」、つまり There is/are ~. の導入です。この文は教室で何か物を見せて「教卓の上に~があります」、つまり There is a pencil on the table. のように簡単に導入できる文だと思われています。しかし、このような導入及びそのような意味でのこの文型の文の使用はまちがいです。それを知らずに(気づかずに)教えている英語教師は意外に多いのではないでしょうか。




導入例をご紹介する前に上記の太字の発言の続き、つまり「まちがい」の答えを明確にしておきましょう。There is/are ~. が使われる場面は、「~」の部分にくるものを初めて紹介する場合です。つまり、上記の例文のような生徒がすでにわかっている状況を説明するような場面では使いません。その発言を聞いた人が「へえ、そうなんだ」とか「なるほど、そうか」と思うような場面で使う表現なのです。したがって、導入を行う場合はそのような場面を準備する必要があります。また、本来は「~」の部分に来る名詞は普通名詞のみで固有名詞は使いません。それは固有名詞は改めて「~があります」と紹介する必要が無いからです。もっとも、最近では固有名詞が使われる例文もたくさん見られます(例:There is Disneyland in Tokyo.)。しかし、ここでは普通名詞のみを使うという方針で生徒に教えることにします。


今回ご紹介する導入例は、筆者が上記のような場面を設定するために考え出したものです。そのような場面を準備したいきさつについては、「つぶやき」「三部作のアンカー」をご参照ください。また、場面設定に必要なこととして過去のことも扱いたかったので、普通であれば別の機会に扱うであろう There was/were ~. も同時に導入することにしました。結果的にかなり壮大な(?)場面を用意したので、当該の時間はこの文型の導入と練習及びそれを使った言語活動までで終了するものとし、教科書の本文は次時に扱いました。なお、最初に実施したのが平成14(2002)年度で、以来この文型を教えるときはほぼ同じ方法で導入しています。


では、具体的な指導過程をご紹介します。T: は教員の発言、S: は実際のまたは想定される生徒の発言、S1:, S2: は生徒個人の実際のまたは想定される発言を表します。なお、発言中の太字は強調して発音する部分です。


◇Introduction of the New Expressions

(0) Introduction of the situation


T: Look at this large picture.  This is a map of a city.  What city is it?

S1: New York!

S2: London!

S3: Tokyo?

T: That's right!  This is a map of Tokyo.  You can see some Japanese names on it.  Then, what kind of map is it?

S4: Train(s)!

S5: Bus(es)!

S6: Subway(s)!

T: No, it's not a train map, a bus map or a subway map.  I'll give you a hint.  This map is very old.  It is about 50 years old.

S7: Toden?

T: You're right, S7!  It's a map of Toden



T: This is a picture of Toden.  We call it Toden because it is in Tokyo.  What do they call this type of vehicle, norimono, in other cities? 

S7: Shiden.

T: Yes, but, anything else?

S8: Romen densha.

T: That's right.  We call it romen densha.  What is "romen densha" in English?

S: ...?

T: It's a "street car."  Repeat, "street car".

S: Street car.

T: So, these are street car lines.  Repeat, "These are street car lines."

S: These are street car lines.

T: Or you point it from your seat and say...?

S: Those are street car lines. 


(1) Input of new expressions ①

T: As you can see, there were many street car lines in Tokyo about 50 years ago.  How many lines were there?  How many lines do you see?

S: (Counting)

S1: Twenty!

S2: Thirty!

T: Look at the list of the lines here.  Actually, there were 41 street car lines at this time in Tokyo.  So many!  Aren't you surprised?

S: (Nodded)

T: Then, how about now?  How many street car lines are there in Tokyo now?

S: One.

T: Right.  In this case you can say, "There is a street car line in Tokyo."(×2)  What is the name of the line?

S1: Arakawa-sen.

T: Yes.  Let's call it the Arakawa Line.  Repeat, "It's the Arakawa Line."

S: It's the Arakawa Line.


(2) Check of understanding ① & Mim-mem

T: Then, I'll ask you again.  How many street car lines are there in Tokyo now?

S: There ... is ... a ... street car line in Tokyo.

T: Say it again.

S: There is a street car line in Tokyo. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)


※ここで大切なのは、何度か意味がわかるように発言した目標文が生徒の口から出てくるかどうかを確認することです。いきなり Repeat after me. と言ってリピートさせても、意味や文型がわかって言っているとはかぎりません。生徒の口から出てくるように帰納的な指導過程を採ります。


T: How about 50 years ago?  How many street car lines were there in Tokyo?

S: There ... are/were ... 41 street car lines in Tokyo.

T: "Are" or "were"?

S: Were.

T: Then, say it again, please.

S: There were 41 street car lines in Tokyo. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)


※普通なら There is ~. を扱ったら次は There are ~. を扱うところですが、ここではそれまでの導入場面と実際に聞かせてきた表現を優先してあえて There were ~. を取り上げます。この方が意味もすっきり理解できるはずです。


(3) Input of new expressions ②

T: Now you know there were so many street car lines in Tokyo about 50 years ago, but there is only one now.  Then, what happened to the others?  They just disappeared?  Or they became something else?

S1: Subway?

T: Well, yes.  There are many subway lines in Tokyo now, so you think so, right?  But actually, only a few of them became subway lines.  What else?

S2: Bus!

T: That's right.  Many of them became bus lines.  Are there many bus lines in Tokyo now?

S: Yes.

T: Yes, there areThere are many bus lines in Tokyo because many of the street car lines became bus lines.


(4) Check of understanding ② & Mim-mem

T: Then, I'll ask you again.  Are there many bus lines in Tokyo now?

S: Yes, ... there ... are.

T: Say it again.

S: Yes, there are.

T: And ...?  Long answer!

S: There ... are ... many bus lines in Tokyo.

T: Say it again.

S: There are many bus lines in Tokyo. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)




(5) Input of new expressions ③

T: How about in Otowa-dori?(※音羽通り:学校の西側にある大きな通りで、護国寺の元参道)Is there a street car line in Otowa-dori now?

S: No.

T: No, there isn't.  How about 50 years ago?  Was there a street car line in Otowa-dori?  What do you think?

S: ....

T: The answer is "Yes."(都電「護国寺」駅に停車する都電の写真を見せる).Yes, there wasThere was a street car line in Otowa-dori.(×2)  



(6) Check of understanding ④ & Mim-mem

T: Then, I'll ask you again.  Is there a street car line in Otowa-dori now?

S: No, there isn't.

T: How about 50 years ago?  Was there a street car line in Otowa-dori?

S: Yes, there was.

T: And ...?  Long answer!

S: There ... was ... a street car line in Otowa-dori

T: Say it again.

S: There was a street car line in Otowa-dori. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)

T: By the way, what was the name of the line?

S: ....

T: It was the Edogawa Line.


※これで There is/are/was/were ~. の4つの文すべてを導入できたことになります。現在と以前の状況のちがいを利用して、現在形と過去形の両方を同時に導入しました。このような導入を行った理由については、「つぶやき」「三部作のアンカー」を参照ください。




◇Oral Practice of the New Expressions

(1) Introduction and practice of some expressions ①

T: We were talking about a large area today.  Then, let's talk about smaller area now, for example, near our school.  OK?

S: OK.

T: Let's take a police station.  Is there a police station near our school?

S: Yes, there is.

T: Long answer!

S: There is a police station near our school. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)

T: What is the name of the police station?

S: Otsuka Keisatusho.

T: Yes, Otsuka Police Station.  I'll ask you again.  Then, Please answer in three sentences.  Is there a police station near our school?

S: Yes, there is.  There is a police station near our school.  It's Otsuka Police Station. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)




(2) Introduction and practice of some expressions ②

T: How about supermarkets?  Are there any supermarkets near our school?

S: No, there aren't.

T: No, there aren'tThere aren't any supermarkets near our school.  In this case you can also say, "There are no supermarkets near our school."(×) It means "There are zero supermarkets near our school."  Can you say that?

S: There are ... no ... supermarkets near hour school.

T: Say that again.

S: There are no supermarkets near hour school. → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)


※ここでは not any ~ の他に、no ~ という表現も導入してみました。後者の方が言いやすいと考えたからです。


(3) Introduction and practice of some expressions ②

T: Let's talk about much smaller area, say, your hometown.  Are there any convenience stores near your house?

S1: Yes.

S2: No.

T: S3, are there any convenience stores near your house?

S3: Yes, there are.

T: How many?

S3: Three.

T: Then, please answer in a full sentence

S3: There are three convenience stores near my house.

T: What are they?

S3: Two Seven-Elevens and one FamilyMart.

T: Full sentence, please.

S3: They are two Seven-Elevens and one FamilyMart.

T: Now, everyone.  Are there any convenience stores near S3's house?

S: Yes, there are.

T: How many convenience stores are there near his house?

S: Three.

T: Long answer!

S: There are three convenience stores near his house.

T: What are they?

S: They are two Seven-Elevens and one FamilyMart.

T: What was my first question to S1?

S: Are ... there ... any ... convenience store near your house?

T: Say that again.

S: Are there any convenience store near your house? → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)

T: Then, what was my second question?

S: ... How many convenience stores ... are there ... near your house?

T: Say that again.

S: How many convenience stores are there near your house?

T: What was my third question?

S: What are they? → Mim-mem(Choral → Individual)






◇Communicative Activities in Pairs






(1) Explanation of the activity

T: In the next activity I'd like you to ask this question to your partner and get some information from him or her.  And also you will ask questions from your partner.


(2) Showing a model

T: First, I'll show you a mode.  S1, you will be my partner, OK?

S1: OK.

T: S1, are there any convenience stores near your house?

S1: Yes, there are.

T: How many convenience stores are there?

S1: Two.

T: Full sentence, please.

S1: There are two convenience stores.

T: What are they?

S1: They are Seven-Eleven and Lawson.

T: Very good.  Then, this time you ask me the questions.

S1: Are there any convenience stores near your house?  

T: Yes, there are.

S1: How many convenience stores are there?

T: There are four.

S1: What are they?

T: They are two Seven=Elevens, one FamilyMart and one Lawson.  Now, do you understand what to do?


(3) Pair Work

T: Now, it's your turn.  You will do it the same with your partner.  You ask the questions to your partner and answer the questions from your partner.  First, please go junken to decide which will ask first.  Then, start the conversation.  You should finish the conversation in one and a half minutes, 90 seconds.  Please start!


(4) Presentation by some pairs

T: I'd like some pairs to perform the conversation.  Mr. A and Ms. B, please show us your conversation. 


◇Consolidation of the Grammar Points







(1) Confirmation of the grammar points

T: これまで練習してきたことは要するにどういうことを伝えたいときの表現でしたか?

S: 「…に~がある」(→同タイトルを表示)

T: いくつか使いわけていました。どういう部分がちがうと表現を変えるのですか?

S: 1つか2つ以上か。

T: そうでしたね。では、紹介することが1つだったらどう言いますか?

S: There is a ~.(「1つの場合→ There is a ~.」表示)

T: 2つ以上あったら?

S: There are ~.(「2つ以上の場合→ There are ~.」表示)

T: その他に1つもない場合もやりました。どう言っていましたか?

S: There are no ~. (「1つもない場合→ There are no ~.」表示)

T: これは普通に否定文で表すこともできました。何と言っていましたか?

S: There aren't any ~.(「同上→ There aren't any ~.」表示)

T: 過去のことも言っていました。つまり「…に~があった」という場合です。(→同タイトルを表示)どの部分をどのように変えますか?

S: was と were を使う。

T: では、1つのものを紹介するときは?

S: There was a ~.(「1つの場合→ There was a ~.」表示)

T: 2つ以上のものが「あった」という場合は?

S: There were ~.(「2つ以上の場合→ There were ~.」表示)


(2) Further explanation about the usage of the expressions

T: 同じ「…に~がある」でも、次のようには言えません。なぜだと思いますか?

 ×There is Tokyo Tower in Tokyo.

 ×There is Universal Studio Japan in Osaka.


S1: 固有名詞?

T: そうです。固有名詞はすでにみなさんが知っているものが多いですね。そのようなものにはこの形の文は使いません。つまり、一般的には固有名詞以外の名詞を使います。それを何と言いますか?

S: 普通名詞

T: そうです。ただ、普通名詞だからといって、常に使えるわけではありません。もう1つ例を出しましょう。

 ×There are the notebooks on the table.

 ×There was the English teacher in the classroom.


S2: the が付いている?

T: そうですね。the が付いている普通名詞にはこの形の文は使いません。the が付いているというのはどういうものでしたか?

S3: すでに出てきたもの

T: そのとおりです。すでに出てきたものには使えないということは、どういうものに使えるということですか?

S: 初めて出てきたもの

T: そのとおりです。There is/are/was/were ~. という文は、初めて紹介するものに使います。(「初めて紹介するものに使う表現」を表示)


(3) Writing of the grammar points  




