





N: Nory (JTE)

K: Kenchan (Assistant)※腹話術の人形
S: All or Majority of the Students
IS: Individual Student

PS: Pair Students

1. Greeting
N: All right. Now, then, let's start the lesson today. Good afternoon, boys and girls!
S: Good afternoon, Mr. Koinuma.
N: How are you?
S: Fine, thank you. And you?
N: Fine, thank you. Very good. I love you. O.K.

2. Roll Call
N: All right. Now, then, let's see if everybody is here. Who is absent today?
S: Miss Suzuki is absent. And... Wata...
N: Miss Suzuki, Miss Suzuki and Miss Watanabe are absent. Right? O.K., once again!
S: Miss Suzuki and Miss Watanabe are absent.
N: Very good. O.K. Let's see...

3. Warm-Up
(1) Asking of the Day
① Pronunciation of the word "Tuesday"
N: O.K. Then, ah, I have another question. Ah, What day is today?
S: It's Tuesday.
N: Very good. "It's Tuesday."
S: It's Tuesday.
② Checking of the Spelling
N: Please write "Tuesday" in the air. Ah? O.K.... Ah, ha. All right, then, tell me the spell.
S: T, U, E, S, D, A, Y.
N: Oh, it is it? O.K. Very good. All right, then, ah,... let's see,... ah, let's go,... ah,... review the seven days. Now, I have the rhythm, please get on the rhythm. Here we go. O.K. Please
repeat! Very good. O.K.
S: Oh...!
(2) A Little Talk with Kenchan

N: Very good. All right. Now ! Then, it's time to have the special guest again. All right?
S: (laugh)
N: Ah, ha, ha! O.K. Now, what is his name?
S: Kenchan!
N: Kenchan! O.K. Do you like Kenchan?
S: No! (overlapping) Yes!
N: Ah, ha, ha. "No"? Please say "Yes." O.K. Now, do you like Kenchan?
S: Yes!
N: I love you.
S: (overlapping) I love you. (laugh)
N: Very good. O.K. Now, then, Kenchan is, ... oh, right here. And so, please call him up. O.K.? So, I say, "1, 2, 3, 4." You say, "Kencha-n!" O.K. Now, ready?1, 2, 3, 4,
N&S: Kencha-n!
N: All right,... O.K....
K: Zzzz...
N: Wow! Kenchan is sleeping. O.K. Now, let's wake him up.
K: Zzzz.
N: Kenchan! Kenchan!
K: Ha! ああ、びっくりしたー!
N: Oh, you speak Japanese!
K: Oh, of course I do.
N: Well,...
K: Where am I?
N: "Where are you?" Well, you are in the English class.
K: え!?
N: Wow, you don't have to be ... now, ... amazed. But, ah,... O.K. Then, ah, ... Kenchan, let's say "Good afternoon." to the students. All right?
K: O.K. Now, good afternoon, boys and girls.
S: Good afternoon, Kenchan.
K: How are you?
S: Fine, thank you. And you?
K: Oh, pretty good! Thank you.
N: O.K. Very good. Now, then, Kenchan.
K: What?
N: Ah, some of the students still have some personal questions to you.
K: Do they?
N: Yes, they do. O.K. So please answer.
K: All right. Please ask me.
N: Well, some of you still have ...the...questions to him. Do you have any questions? Oh, any volunteers? Oh, do you have? Oh! O.K. Mr. Yagi.
IS: Do you have girl friend?
S: (laugh)
N: Oh, big question! Do you?
K: Yes, I do.
S: Oh! (laugh)
N: Wow! You have a girl friend!
K: Yes, I do.
N: All right, then, what's her name?
K: Well, it's Sayuri.
N: Sayuri? Wow, nice name, isn't it? Oh, very good.... What!? Sayuri?
K: Yes, Sayuri Koinuma.
N: Whoa! That is my wife!
S: (laugh)
N: You,... you little dirty man!
K: Well, I'm joking.
N: Oh, of course you're joking. (indistinct) Whooo! O.K. All right, now, ah, she loves me, huh? O.K.? All right, now, Kenchan?
K: O.K.
N: Well, the students and I don't need you right now.
K: Don't they?
N: Ah, huh. So, ah, you can sit right there and listen to the class. All right?
K: All right.
N: And, ah, help me later. O.K.?
K: O.K. Now, everybody, see you later and enjoy the English class. Bye, bye.
N: Ah, ha, ha. Well, Kenchan is coming up later.

4. Review
(1) Listening with the Picture Cards
N: All right, then, everybody. Let's go over the last lesson. But if you've opened the textbook, please close it. Please close it. O.K.? First, let's listen to the tape. Here we go. And I have some questions after that.
(2) Questions & Answers
N: O.K. Now, I have some questions. What is this? Is it a boat?
S: No, it isn't.
N: Oh, is it a bird?
S: Yes.
N: Oh, yes, then, what bird is this?
S: It's a crane.
N: Yes, it's a crane. That's right. So you remember that.
(3) Listening for Reading
N: O.K. Then, please open your textbook to page 50. Right? Now, please listen to the tape again.
(4) Chorus Reading after the Tape
N: O.K. Now, let's practice reading. Hold your textbook, please. Right? Now, are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: Please repeat.
(5) Part Reading(Boys & Girls)
N: O.K. Now, this time, boys, Mike. And Girls, Yumi. O.K.? Now, boys, start!
(6) Practice for Acting Out
N: Very good. O.K. Now, then, this time, I give you 1 minute. O.K.? Then, please practice with your partner. All right? Ah, stand up and have a gesture, you know,...(gesture) O.K.? So, I give you one minute. So, please practice. And put everything in here. All right? O.K.? Now, you
have one minute. Are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: O.K. Here we go. Ready,... start!
S: (stand and practice)
N: (comes close to the student without the partner)
You are my partner. You are my partner.
IS: (inditinct in Japanese)
N: Yes, you are Mike. O.K. Very good. Once again. Very good. Thank you. Have a seat. O.K. Stop, please. O.K.
(7) Acting Out
N: Now, then, well, I'd like some pairs to be here and act like Mike and Yumi. All right? Ha, ha. And first, I need volunteer pairs. Any volunteer pairs? Volunteer pairs? Oh, no volunteer pairs? oh? Oh, no. O.K. Ha, ha. Yeah. Then, that's O.K. That's O.K. Then,... O.K. One, one, one. O.K. Now, first, Mr. Kimura and Miss Tsuzuki. O.K.? You're the first. O.K.? And,... Mr. Namiki! and Miss Eguchi! You are the second. And Miss Abe and Mr. Harada, you are the third! O.K.? Ha, ha. All right! Now, everyo... O.K. Please come, the first pair. Ha, ha, ha. O.K. This is origami. Hum, hum. Oh, next pair, please, please go there. Please go there. And please come here. O.K.? All right. Then, ah, today, ah, please say, "3, 2, 1, action!" as usual. O.K.? Now, are you ready?
PS: Yes.
N: O.K.? Now, everyone, 3, 2, 1, action!
S: (overlapping) ..., 2, 1, action!
N: Oh, very good. Ha, ha, ha. That's fine. Thank you very much. And next pair, please. Yeah. O.K. Here it is. All right. Are you ready?
PS: Yes.
N: O.K. Now, everyone, 3, 2, 1, action!
S: (overlapping) ..., 2, 1, action!
N: O.K. Very good! Thank you. (indistinct) O.K. Here is origami. All right? Now, are you ready?
PS: Yes.
N: O.K.? Ha, ha. All right. Now, 3, 2, 1, action!
S: (overlapping) ..., 2, 1, action!
N&S: Oh-!
N: Great! Ha, ha, ha. Great. Wow! Well, all the pairs today were very .... did very, very good. O.K. Now, then, I want to give them 'Long Hakushu'. All right? Ha, ha, remember that? O.K. Are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: O.K. Now, hakushu, please!
N&S: (clap hands) Good!
N: Thank you very much for today. O.K. Now, well, you did it guite well.

5. Oral Introduction of the Target Sentence
(1) Recollection of the Ex-Target Sentence

N: O.K. Now, everybody, please close your textbook. And Kenchan is coming up again. O.K.? Are you ready, Kenchan?
K: Yes, I am.
N: O.K. Ah, ha, ha. All right. Now, ... all right,... now,... here we go,.... Oops! His legs are broken, huh? Hum,... O.K. Now, coming up, Kenchan. O.K. Thank you very much.
K: You're welcome.
N: O.K. Now, Kenchan.
K: What?
N: Could you help me out a little bit?
K: O.K.
N: All right. Now, then, everyone. Today,... ah, let's talk about, ah, sports again. All right?
K: O.K.
N: Ah, then, do you remember? What is Kenchan's favorite sport?
S: Tennis. Tennis.
N: Tennis. Right. Is it tennis?
K: Yes, it is. I like tennis very much.
N: And is he a good tennis player?
S: Yes,... he is.
N: Oh, yes, he is!
K: Yes, I am.
N: Then you say,...? He is a good tennis player.
And you say,...? "He ..."
S: "... can .."
N: "can", oh!
S: "He can play tennis well."
N: Very good. O.K. Repeat once again. "He can play tennis well."(×2)
S: "He can play tennis well."(×2)
K: Yes, I can play tennis well.
N: Oh, I see. And how about soccer? Is he a good soccer player?
S: No, he isn't.
N: Oh,...
K: No, I'm not.
N: Then you say,...?
S: "He can't play soccer well."
N: Very good. "He can't play soccer well."(×2)
S: "He can't play soccer well."(×2)
K: I can't play soccer well.
(2) Input of the Target Sentence
N: Oh, I see. Then, ah, let's talk about some other sports. All right?
K: O.K.
N: Ah, how about baseball? Can you play baseball well?
K: What?
N: Can you play baseball well?
K: Yes, I can. I'm a good baseball player.
N: Oh, can you?
K: Yes, I can.
N: Oh, I see. Then, how about, ah, volleyball? Volleyball? Can you play volleyball well?
K: What?
N: Oh. Can you play volleyball well?
K: No, I can't.
N: Oh. No, you can't?
K: No, I can't. I can't play volleyball well.
(3) Checking of Understanding
N: Oh, I see. Hum, O.K. Now, everybody, I have some questions. Can he play baseball well?
S: Yes, ... he ... can.
N: Oh, very good! Yes, he can. Please say, "Yes, he can." O.K.? Please repeat. "Yes, he can."(×2)
S: "Yes, he can."(×2)
N: O.K. And Miss Nishi's line, please?
IS: Yes, he can.(×7)
N&S: Very good!(×7)
N: O.K. Now, I have another question. Can he play volleyball well?
S: No, he can't.
N: Very good! You say, "No, he can't." O.K. Please repeat. "No, he can't."(×2)
S: "No, he can't."(×2)
N: O.K. Now, Miss Okabayashi's line, please.
IS: "No, he can't."(×7)
N: Very good.(×7) O.K. Everybody, once again. "No, he can't."
S: "No, he can't."
K: No, I can't. I can't play volleyball well.
N: O.K. Now, all right, now I know your sports, all right? Then, ah, well, this is it! Ah, thank you for helping me.
K: O.K. Now, I see you later again. O.K.? Bye, bye.
N: Ha, ha, ha. All right? Thank you. O.K. Now, can I open the window a little bit? O.K. Well, must be a little hot, too hot, right?
(4) Making of the Target Sentence
N: All right. Now, then, ah, let's talk about some more. All right? O.K. Look at the picture here. All right? Now, this is, ah, tennis, right? And,... I'm a good tennis player. So I say, "I can play tennis well." And you say,...?
S: "You can play tennis well."
N: Good. "You can play tennis well."
S: "You can play tennis well."
N: Question!
S: "Can you play tennis well?"
N: Very good! "Can you play tennis well?"(×2)
S: "Can you play tennis well?"(×2)
N: O.K. This line, please.
IS: "Can you play tennis well?"(×6)
N: Very good. O.K. Miss Kobayashi! O.K. Once again, everybody. "Can you play tennis well?"
S: "Can you play tennis well?"

6. Pattern Practice(Substitution Drill)
(1) Pattern 1

N: O.K. Then, how about this? Question!
S: "Can you play... the ... guitar?"
N: Ah! You know! "play the drums", "play the guitar." So you say, "Can you play the guitar?"
O.K.? Now, please repeat. "Can you play the guitar well?"(×2)
S: "Can you play the guitar well?"(×2)
N: O.K. Mr. Morii's line.
IS: "Can you play the guitar well?"(×6)
N: Very good.(×5) O.K. Very good. And I have another picture. O.K. Now, this sport,
O.K.? Oops! Wow! Oh, excuse me.
(2) Pattern 2
N: All right. Now, look at this. And question!
S: "Can you play ski well?"
N: Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
Now, you don't say, "Can you play ski?" Y, you say, "Can you ski?" Just "ski". O.K.? "Can you ski well?" O.K.? Please repeat. "Can you ski  well?"(×2)
S: "Can you ski well?"(×2)
N: O.K. Mr. Yagi's line, please.
IS: "Can you ski well?"(×4)
N: Very good.(×4)
IS: "Can you speak well?" あ、まちがえた!
S&N: (laugh)
N: 'Ski' well. Ha, ha, ha. Once again.
IS: "Can you ski well?"(×3)
N: Very good.(×3) O.K. Now, how about this? Question!
S: "Can you skate well?"
N: Very good. O.K.? Now, this line, please.
IS: "Can you skate well?"(×6)
N: Very good.(×6) O.K. Now, you can say, "Can you..." and "Canyou..." "Canyou", well, when you speak fast, it's "canyou". O.K. "canyou". O.K. Please repeat. "Canyou skate
S: "Canyou skate well?"(×2)
N: Very good. I have some questions. Can you skate well? Answer.
IS: No, I can't.
N: Oh,... Can you ski well?
IS: No, I can't.
N: Oh,... Can you play the guitar well?
IS: No.
N: Oh,... Can you ski well?
IS: No, I can't.
N: Oh, "No, I can't."? O.K. Now, can you ski well? "Yes, I can." Raise your hand? Oh, you aren't. Oh, you are a nice skier.
S: (inditinct in Japanese)
N: Oh, really? And, ah, thank you. And can you skate well? "Yes, I can." Please raise your hand. Oh, you are a skater! O.K. Thank you very much. All right, hands down. All right. Very good.

7. Communicative Activities
(1) Explanation of the Activities

N: O.K. Then, ah, let's talk about the sports with, you know, the partner. Each other. O.K.? I give you .... th.... a worksheet, No.35. All right? Then, well, how many here, please?
IS: Six, please.
N: Good. Thank you. Two, four, six. Here we go.
IS: Thank you.
N: You're welcome. (The above five lines ×6) O.K. Now, everybody, please write the first line your answer, please. O.K.? The first line, please. Huh? What happened? O.K.? Everybody got the paper? Ah, huh. Yes. And your partner ... please think your partner's answer. Ah, huh. O.K.? Got it? O.K. Don't show it to your partner. Right. Everybody got it? Yes?
IS: 誰の予想を書くんですか?
N: Oh, me.
S: (laugh)
N: Ha, ha, ha. O.K.?
(2) Activities
① Questions & Answers Finished in 30"

N: O.K. Now, everybody. Then, today, ah, first, boys, ple... ah, boys, question, first. Girls, answer, first. Right? And you have 30". O.K.? And if it hits 30", boon! Brows up. So, please hurry up. All right. O.K. Now, are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: O.K. Please start. (speaks with the student without the partner) O.K. Start.
IS: Can you play ~?(×6)
N: (Answers the questions) Thank you. O.K. Now, it's finished. All right All finished. Right. Now, 6 questions O.K. pair, raise your hand. O.K. Ah,...Not fnished? Thank you very much. Hands down.
② Questions & Answers Continued over 60"
N: All right. Now, then, change the part. Change the part. Girls, ah, question. And boys, answer. But, ah, as usual, you have, ah, not 30", 60". But, oh, as you see, you must speak over 60". O.K.? Ha, ha. Oh, in this case, in this case, you can ask, oh, hum,"Can you play the drums well?" or "Do you like Kenchan?" or "Do you like Mr.Koinuma?" or, you know, any questions O.K. O.K.? So, after the 6 questions, please talk each other over 60". Are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: Good. All right. Now, then, ah, as you see, you have the music. Right? All right. Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is a show time of speaking over 60". O.K.? Are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: O.K. Ready,... Go! (speaks to the student without the partner: "Can you ~?") Oh, tell me, ah, questions to me. (answer the questions) O.K. Thank you very much. O.K. Now, time's up. Thank you. O.K. Ha, ha, ha.
(3) Evaluation of the Activities
N: All right. Now, ah, well, I like to ask two things. One, ah, speaking over 60" O.K. pair, raise your hand. Oh, that's it? Oh, very good. Thank you very much. And, and, your yosou, yosou, perfect yosou, raise your hand. Oh,.... That's great! O.K. Thank you very much. Ha, ha, ha. Thank you very much. Right. Then, everybody, please, please put the sheet in your file or on your notebook. O.K.? Right. Ah, huh.

8. Introduction of the Text and Words
(1) Oral Introduction with Interaction

N: Now, then, ah, let's talk about, ah, origami a little bit more. In the last class we talked about a little bit origami. You know, the crane? hum, huh. Then, well, I say, "I can make, I can make a crane. This is my work. O.K.? Is it beautiful? Huh? Oh? No? Ha, ha, ha. All right. Then, can you make a crane?
S: Yes, I can.(overlapping) No, I can't.
N: Oh, "Yes", raise your hand. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Ha, ha. All right. Many people here can make a crane. O.K. Now, then, big question. Is origami, ah, interesting? 'Interesting' means, you know, you like it or not. "Oh, origami! Oh, I like it! Ha, ha, ha, origami! I like it!" That's 'interesting'.
S: (laugh)
N: Ha, ha, ha. Interesting. Origami is interesting.
But, if it's not interesting, "Ah? Origami? Ah! Not intersting!"
S: (laugh)
N: Then, big question. Is origami interesting? Miss Nishi?
IS: No.
N: No.
IS: Ah, ah! Yes!
N: No. Oh, that's O.K. Yes?
IS: Yes.
N: Yes? Oh. Mr. Morii?

IS: No.
N: No. Oh. Mr. Samukawa?

IS: No.
N: No. Miss Eguchi?

IS: No.
N: No. Miss Sasaki?

IS: Yes.
N: Yes. Oh, Miss Kagawa?

IS: No.
N: No! Oh, I see. Ha, ha, ha. That's O.K. All right. Now, then, ah, I can make, you can make, you can make a crane? You can make a crane.
IS: No.
N: No? Oh, I see. Then, many people here can make a crane. And what else can you make? What else can you make? Only a crane? Only a crane or what else can you make?
IS: (gesture)
N: Oh, airplane? Airplane?
IS: Yes.
N: Oh, good. Airplane.
IS: Yakkosan.
N: Oh, yakkosan. Ah, old, I see it's old. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. O.K. Now, then, ah, let's see. Can you make, can you make any animals?(×2)
S: No, I can't.(overlapping) Yes, only a crane.
N: Oh, only a ... only a crane. Hum, You can make animals. Ah, I can make some animals. I can make not, not one, but some animals. I can make some animals. Hum. O.K.? Then, how about this? Oh, this is a flower, flower. O.K.? Can you make any flowers?
S: No. No, I can't.
N: No? Oh, no, you can't? Oh, hum, O.K.
IS: Yes.
N: Well, ha, ha. "Yes"? That's good. Hum, O.K. Then, well, the last question is, hum, my hobby, my hobby is movie.(×2) And some of you have a hobby,... well,... maybe your hobby is listening to music, or playing tennis, or .... Then, hobby. Is origami your hobby?
S: No.
N: No! No? No!? Oh, oh, I see.
(2) Tape Listening
N: O.K. Now, then. Now, then, O.K. I have a question. Who is this?
S: It's Mike.
N: Who is this?
S: It's Yumi.
N: Yumi, Yumi. O.K.? Then, all right. Listen to their conversation. O.K.? Don't, do not open your textbook. O.K.? Please listen. I have some questions after that.
N&S: えー!?
N: It's a popular hobby. Ha, ha, ha. Yeah.
(3) Checking of Understanding
N: O.K. Now, then, I have some questions. O.K.? Now, Yumi, about Yumi. Can she make any animals?
S: Yes,... she ... can..
N: (overlapping) ... she can. O.K. Yes, she can. O.K. Mike. Can he make any flowers?
S: No, he can't.
N: Very good.
(4) Listening for Reading
N: O.K. Open your textbook to page 52. 52. Then, listen to the tape again. O.K.?
(5) Pronunciation Practice of the New Words
① Intensive Training

N: Now, then, ah, let's, ah, practice the new words. All right? Now, look at the cards. O.K.? And please repeat. All right? The first word is 'interesting'.
S: 'interesting'
N: in-ter-est-ing, 'interesting'(×2)
S: 'interesting'(×2)
N: Very good. Next, 'make'(×2)

S: 'make'(×2)
N: 'ake'(×2)

S: 'ake'(×2)
N: 'make'(×2)

S: 'make'(×2)
N: Good. 'else'(×2)

S: 'else'(×2)
N: Next, 'animal'(×2)

S: 'animal'(×2)
N: O.K. 'animal' 'l', 'l'. Can you put it, 'l', 'l' sound? O.K. Once again,'animal'(×2)

S: 'animal'(×2)
N: O.K. Next, 'some'(×2)

S: 'some'(×2)
N: Hum, hum. O.K. Next,'any'(×2)

N: Very good. Next, 'flower'

S: 'flower'
N: O.K. 'f' and 'l' and 'ower'. 'flower'(×2)
S: 'flower'(×2)
N: Good. Next, 'hobby'

S: 'hobby'
N: [ ] sound. O.K.? 'hobby'(×2)

② Rhythm Training
N: O.K. Now you practice. O.K.? Now, get on the rhythm. Ooooh! O.K. Now, ready,... Go! Please repeat. Very good! Oops!
③ Flash Card 
N: O.K. Now, then, you try again. Right? Boo, boo, boo,... Now, you know the word. O.K.? Please say it. Shoo! Ha, ha, ha. Very good. O.K.

9. Reading
(1) Chorus Reading after the Tape
N: Now, let's practice reading. O.K.? Now, hold your textbook, please. Hum, hum. Good. O.K. Now, are you ready?
S: Yes!
N: O.K.
(2) Chorus Reading after the Teacher
N: OK. Once again, please repeat after me. Hum, hum. O.K. Please repeat. O.K. Please be careful, "... can you make?"( ) "... can you make?"( ) "What else can you make?"( )
S: "What else can you make?"( )
(3) Part Reading
① Teacher-Students

N: O.K. Now, this time, I am Mike. You are Yumi. O.K.? O.K. Change the part. You are Mike. Mike, start! O.K. Ha, ha, ha. That's good.
② Boys-Girls
N: And, the, boys! Boys, Mike. Girls, Yumi. O.K.? Right. Now, boys, start! Very good.
(4) Buzz Reading in Pair for Recitation
N: O.K. Then, I give you 1 minute. O.K.? And please practice with your partner and put everything in here.
S: Ooooh!
N: Can you do it? O.K.? Now, everybody, please stand up and do it. O.K.? Ready,... Go! (to the partner) O.K., please. O.K. Please remember that. Right. Thank you. O.K. Thank you. All right. Thank you very much. That's good.
(5) Reciation
N: And, ah, at the end, ah, close your textbook. Ah, huh? O.K. Now, then, ah, let's try 'Boys & Girls'. Let's try. O.K.? Now, boys, start! O.K. Thank you. Now, then, in the next class, O.K.? And you practice again, and some pairs, please come up here and act again. Right?

10. Consolidation
N: O.K. Then, please, ah, open your notebook. Right? And today's big point. Now, today I don't write. I don't write. Please write here. You write here. O.K.? And today you learned question and answer. Right? So, please, oh, please,... O.K. This is it. Please use this picture and please write the question. Please write the answer. Please write the question. And your answer, please. And using this.
IS: (indistinct in Japanese)
N: Hum, huh. Yeah. Please write the question. And please write your answer. Huh? Question.
IS: 1つですか?
N: What did you learn?
IS: サッカーでもいいですか?
N: Yeah. Soccer or baseball. Soccer or baseball. Yes, that's right.
IS: (indistinct in Japanese)
N: Yes, your answer, your answer, please. Hum. O.K.? Oh,... that's Japanese here. Hum, huh. Yeah, please write the Japanese here. Ah, huh.
IS: (indistinct in Japanese)
N: No. Yes. O.K.? Ah, huh.
IS: 筆記体で書いてもいいんですか?
N: Yes, yes, you can. That will be fine. You are right. Oh! Can you get .... That's good. O.K. That's good. Huh? Good. Very good. Very good. O.K. O.K. Oh. O.K. Then, let's check it. Ah, maybe you wrote it like this. Right?
IS: wellは入れるんですか?
N: Yes, "well". Please put "well" or baseball here. Baseball O.K.(×2) (indistinct) And your own answer. Maybe some of you say, "Yes, I can." or "No, I can't." Right? Hum, huh. And, then, what is coming here?
IS: 「何がどうできますか?」
N: Good. O.K. Right, as usual. Right. You're finished?

11. Closing Address
N: O.K. Then, we are running out of time. And that's all for today. Right? But, ah, Kenchan is also... he wants... he also wants to tell you "Good-bye." So I and Kenchan tell you "Good-bye." All right? Oops! O.K.? Now, Kenchan, ah, you want to have anything to tell?
K: Yes, I do. Well, you did a quite nice job in this class. Well, I see you next time.
N: O.K. Now, everyone, tell me "Good-bye, Mr.Koinuma." Right? "Good-bye, boys and girls.
S: Good-bye, Mr. Koinuma.
K: Good-bye, boys and girls.
S: Good-bye, Kenchan.
K: Bye, bye.
N: That's all for today. おしまい。